
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Skinny fit types hegemonize hot yoga?

Well, remember that people with Skinny fit body types can’t necessarily help having their body types any more than anyone else. I have always had a skinny fit body type and I experience a certain amount of judgement from others as a result. It’s as if I’m putting people down or making people feel bad just for having my body type. That doesn’t make me feel good at all. Especially to know that people might feel uncomfortable with my presence in a yoga class because of my body. Women have a hard enough time as it is feeling good about their bodies, even the ones with bodies that others would envy.

I hope that doesn’t come off as too defensive, but it’s bothersome on the other end as well.

In regards to your practice, with time I think you’ll find that you notice less and less about the body types of the people around you, and as you focus on your body and bettering it, it will become second nature to love it and not compare it to the other bodies around you.

Perhaps it also has to do with the demographic of the area that you live in. I too notice that some of the best yogis in my class are anything but skinny fit which ranges from 60 year old men, to women who probably weigh double what I do. They are excellent yogis and I truly admire their focus and intensity in class, and often try to place my mat near them so I can benefit from their great energy. I also appreciate their warm smiles after class.

Make yoga your own and try to focus on the good coming off of those people, maybe they have great energy, or great focus, as well as a great body.

View the original article here


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