
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

60 day challenge and discomfort.

Hi Guillermo

47 in a row. Sounds like until recently you were making progress.

What a classic problem! I promise this happens ALL the time and it’s because the mechanics of the body are not understood by most. (And the ‘rules’ of challenges seem to have morphed into something more ego-driven that goes against the principle of yoga, more about that in the coming paragraphs).

The way you have been doing your yoga, the way you’ve been shown or are being taught is causing your problem. You seem to have developed signs of sciatica. Won’t set that one in stone because I haven’t asked you any questions yet but let’s move forward.

I am going to say this at the risk of offending people: I believe it is not right for anyone to tell you that the yoga is uncovering existing injury. While this is possible, it is unlikely. In my experience this person or these people do not know how to help you so they are giving you something that on the surface may sound plausible. It’s an excuse that usually covers up that they really don’t understand the workings of the body.

Beware, you are likely to hear ‘the yoga will fix it’. Once again erroneous advice which works for some things and not others AND is DEPENDENT on doing the yoga with best technique.

Your first port of call should be to look at the blog post Opening Up Your Hamstrings With Hot Yoga. Normally I will ask some questions to clarify what you’re doing.

However in your case we’ll leave that for today because you are exhibiting the CLASSIC problems that occur when the legs are straightened in certain poses in preference to a straight back or where you are not engaging the correct pose mechanisms to OPEN up the body.

Pulling length into your muscles is not helping you, it seems. Look, it is possible that we need to go back to questions in coming posts etc but for starters I just wanted to give you some info ASAP so you can start to help yourself.

The blog post above is very useful and I recommend looking at posts on proper sit-up technique, janushirasana (and particularly how to enter it), and standing sep leg intense stretch. Look at any poses where you have pain. There should not be pain (just discomfort, and a comfortable one at that, if you know what I mean) and there should not be strain or struggle. What you’re going through is a sign that you’re doing something wrong.

Let me know how you go every step of the way and I will lead you in the right direction to the best of my ability.

As another person has just asked me with a similar-ish issue, I answered her as I advise you, that you MUST take some time for your body to recover. These 60 day no rest challenges are not the way it is supposed to be. You are supposed to feel better not worse. You are supposed to take a day off per week.

Anyway, without further adieu I shall post this and look forward to hearing from you

Gabrielle smile

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