
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Vidian neurectomy and ida/pingala circuit


I've been suffering allergic and vasomotor rhinitis for the past six years and what doctors here have prescribed me is all about corticoids and chemicals, something I've rejected. This disorder is really disrupting my normal life and yoga sadhana.

I've read that vidian neurectomy, namely cutting off the two nasal nerves responsible for the disorder, is effective to a satisfying degree.

My question is: Could this affect my nadi shodhana practice and the proper functioning of my Ida and Pingala nadis? Or in other words: Does disabling a nerve disable its subtle counterpart -the nadi- as well?

I remember having read that those two nadis "start their route" from the nose.
I'm not 100% sure but I think the nerves I'm talking about are those labeled as "External/Internal nasal branch" in the pictures below.

I know this is a complicated issue, and nobody has the exact answer. Please let me know what you think about.

Thank you so much.

"I don't suffer from madness. I enjoy every minute of it." ~ Unknown author

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